Well, it's been quite a while since I've been here, and looking at my last post I was attempting to resurrect this blog the last time I posted! Interesting. A bit sad too! My stats look bleak and I can't say that I have put any effort in trying to keep this poor blog site going. I think of it from time to time and I always have good ideas for posts, but I don't take the time to write them down, much less get them posted! Such is the life of a procrastinator.
But this is not a post about procrastination. I'll leave that for another day! This is about getting back in the saddle of posting my spontaneous, eclectic thoughts once again and hopefully on a somewhat regular basis. Ironically I have a time marked off on my calendar that comes up weekly for writing my blog posts. It's been there for a few years now. I think I set the reminder at "always" or something like that so it will remind me until I die that at Monday at 9 am I'm supposed to be settling down and writing my blog posts. Nevermind that currently I'm tutoring students at that time and have been for the past year and a half!
To end the reminder is to admit that I'm just not going to take the time to post anymore. I don't have the heart to do that. Not that I'm such an amazing writer that I believe the world can benefit from my thoughts. No. Nothing so grand as that.
I want to make the attempt to keep up with my blogs. Yes, I said blogs. I have a few of them and all are neglected. There's dust and cobwebs on each one. Well, almost all. Last week I did dust off Journey Upstream with Jesus and write a post.
As much as I would like to say I am committed to making posts on a regular basis, I know how I've been and though I am working on changing my behavior, it is not an easy endeavor. Can one be addicted to procrastination? I don't know.
So, I will not promise anything as far as that goes. I will make attempts to keep this alive and kicking. There are plenty of good reasons to do that. After all the world needs us eclectic thinkers for one reason or another! And besides, it's good practice for my writing!
So here's to resurrecting the Popcorn!! Maybe this will keep the brain cells active and youthful, cause Lord knows they are plenty of old maids in this bowl of a head of mine! We will see how it goes! Thanks for reading and hopefully there will be more for you to read soon!