One thing I meant to do with the first post was to explain the title of my blog. First off, I'm not cockeyed. Well, maybe sometimes when I'm very tired and start day dreaming my eyes may go a little off center, but generally speaking, no, I'm not cockeyed. That part of the title is actually taken from the song in the Roger's and Hammerstein musical, "South Pacific." Great musical with a message that unfortunately still needs to be heeded. One would think we would have come a lot further along the way in social development considering that many of us witnessed the turn of a century and the dawn of a new millennium. But, I won't get on my soap box this time about that.
People who know me well know that I have a tendency to have random thoughts pop into my mind pretty much all the time. My kids get tired of me sending them texts about arbitrary things and they suggested I get a twitter account. I've always told people that I had popcorn for brain cells because of the way my brain seems to work and always be "on." It loves to make connections all the time and one thought always leads to another and yet another and.....Yes, it is maddening at times and I often find myself working hard to focus on the current conversation and not entertain the capricious thoughts that are popping off in my mind.
One day I decided to start blogging about my random thoughts. I figured it would be a good way for me to work on my "electronic footprint" in the world and give me some practice with my writing (which I am proud to say is at a five star level at both Guru and Elance freelance sites!) and be a way for me to share my random thoughts with whomever may be interested. And voila! Popcorn for Brain Cells was born!
So if you were to ask me what you can expect to read here, I'd have to shrug my shoulders and say quite honestly, "I dunno! It depends." A writer friend of mine suggested that I consider choosing a specific topic around which to blog. That makes a lot of sense to me, except then I'd probably end up with 20 different blogs. Just like I have about five or six different journals going at once because each one is dedicated to something specific even though entries in each may intersect regularly. Actually I did start another blog about dementia. It's called "The Dementia Dimension" and it's about my journey with Mom as we deal with her dementia. (I give credit to my daughter for the name. Thank you my little chickadee!) I'm going to try not to get a boat load of blogs going! Unless, of course, I'm blogging for someone else and getting paid for it!
Here's another example: my best friend in the world of all things crafty suggested I consider narrowing my scope of craft projects down to a few to have some consistency and order. I tried, but I just couldn't do it. I like too many things and my mind goes off in too many directions. The only thing I could almost stick with was doing things in blues and purples. I'm drawn toward sky tones, particularly sunrise and sunset colors and I love jewel tones. But I couldn't decide to just stay with making dolls, or cards, or jewelry, or... the list just goes on.
Well, there. You see what I mean? My mind just goes off wandering willy-nilly wherever it pleases if I let it. So this space allows me the luxury of sharing odd bits of nothing special to those who find it interesting or amusing. For all my eclectic friends out there - come and join me. I know I'm not the only one with popcorn for brain cells!
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